March 11, District Safety Information

Dear Wildcat Nation,


As the physical and emotional safety of our students continues to be our number one priority, we wanted to reassure you that our staff has been hyper-vigilant in following the District’s threat assessment protocols. These protocols can be found on our website under our Board Policies tab within our Administrative Guidelines, Forms and Policy manuals. Board Policy 8400, Administrative Guidelines 8410a, 8410b, 8410c and Form 8400 define our threat assessment protocol.  They were also most recently presented at the January 25, 2022 school board meeting with in the Safety Update by Jill Lemond. The Safety Update information presented at the meeting which includes the District’s Administrative Guidelines pertaining to safety can be found posted on our website within the school board’s January 25 Meetings agenda.

We thank our students, families and staff for your continued partnership in reporting any witnessed threatening behavior.  We encourage you to continue reaching out to the OK2SAY tip line to confidentially report criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or our school buildings. Anonymous tips can be submitted to OK2SAY 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are received by specially trained technicians who filter the information to the appropriate agency to provide a timely and effective investigation. We strongly encourage all students to download the OK2SAY app, available for both MAC and Android phones for quick access.

It is the diligence and partnership of our whole community that strengthens our security. 


Together we are Oxford Strong,

Tim Throne