Dear Wildcat Families,
As promised we are contacting you to update you on the earlier email regarding the potential threat on Snapchat. While we had hoped that we would be able to share a successful resolution, law enforcement has been unable to learn any new information at this time. Law enforcement still believes that the creator of the message and the intended recipient of the message are not Oxford students. We do realize the concern that these type of social media messages cause. Each student and family is at a different point in their ability to handle the concern that these disturbing messages cause. Please make your plans for tomorrow according to what is best for your student and family on whether to attend school. Teachers will assist students who are absent with missing work by posting the day’s activities in Schoology by the end of the day.
In cooperation with local law enforcement and out of an abundance of caution, as officers are available we will have additional police presence at our schools. As a reminder, we have armed security at every school building and stringent visitor protocols. Central office administrators will be stationed at each building during morning drop-offs as well.
While this is an active police investigation which limits what we can share, we want to remind you that law enforcement does not believe that this message involved Oxford students. Due to the unique nature of social media, the source of the message might never be determined. If you or your child have other information regarding this Snapchat conversation, please contact the Oakland County Sheriff's Office or 9-1-1 as soon as possible.
Please continue to encourage your students to utilize the Ok2Say anonymous reporting tool and/or reach out to law enforcement or school administration with concerning information. The OK2SAY app is available for iOS and Android devices or tips can be reported at website as well.
While these situations are difficult to work through, we continue to work with law enforcement to provide a safe and secure environment for your child to learn. We appreciate your continued support and efforts to help us maintain safe schools.
Ken Weaver