August 12, OCS 3 Yr. Recov. Plan Tele Town Hall

Dear Oxford families,

Our team has been working on the district’s three-year recovery plan throughout the summer. This comprehensive plan was presented to the school board at the August 9, 2022.  As shared with you yesterday, on Monday, August 15, from 6-7:30 p.m. we are hosting a telephone town hall to explain the recovery plan to our school community, answer questions and gather feedback. If for any reason you do not receive a call from us around that time or miss being able to answer the phone, you may also dial in to participate by calling 833-380-0658. 

The Three Year Recovery Plan is attached here for your review and is also placed on our website for your reference. Additionally, here is the link to the Tele town hall PowerPoint presentation as well.  All of this information is accessible through a link on the front page of our website for easy access also.

We will use this event to share our planning, gather your feedback and answer your questions. This will be one of many opportunities for our school community as we are also planning in-person opportunities in September and October for our district parents and Oxford High School students to share their input on how things are going.  We remain committed to providing regular updates to our Oxford Community Schools families to keep you informed and gather your feedback and input.

Thank you for your support.  It is together in partnership that we will grow stronger through our healing journey and achieve our mission of providing our students an education that challenges them to achieve their maximum potential.


Ken Weaver
Oxford Community Schools